Arohan: Shaddarshan presented by Centre for Indian Classical Dance

7pm - 8:15pm

  • Venue Attenborough Arts Centre
  • Price Pay What You Can, £5 - £20
  • Event type Performance
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By creating a scientific, codified framework for a movement repertoire for Kathak, ‘Arohan’ offers a new approach to Kathak that provides a comparable academic underpinning to that that Bharatanatyam already has.

As a North Indian classical dance form, Kathak evolved under the Mughals but was derided and declined in British colonial times. It grew out of a storytelling tradition of Kathakaars and a more improvisational form of art. As a result, it did not connect so much with the ‘Natyashastra’ the Sanskrit treatise that has codified Indian classical performing arts for the last two millennia. 

Learning from Dr Padmaja’s research and applying it to Kathak, develops the academic and scientific understanding that I can then share with my students. Her research into 'Natyashastra' has been innovative and influential in developing Bharatanatyam practice. By creating the model repertoire for Kathak around the yogIC practice of chakras I can give students the tools to channel this into their practice strengthening their movement vocabulary, supporting their creative development and paying forward to the next generation.

Recommended Price: £10

What are ‘Pay What You Can’ tickets?

We believe that that arts should be accessible for all. For this reason some of our shows and events this year will be ‘Pay What You Can’, meaning that you decide how much you can or want to pay. This expands access to the arts for those who may not have been able to participate otherwise, or gives others the chance to support those who cannot by paying a bit extra.

You will see multiple prices available for each show or event. You can select whichever price you can afford or would like to pay – thank you.