
Join us for the launch of Tim Fowler’s ‘The Ground’

Come and join us for Tim Fowler’s major new exhibition The Ground. Thursday 17 October 2024, 5pm – 7pm, free for all with drinks available.

Leicester-based artist Tim Fowler will be showing a selection of paintings featuring new large scale works on public display here for the first time, informed by a research trip to Barbados earlier this year.

Entitled ‘The Ground’, after the name that many Bajans give to their gardens, the exhibition will also feature brand new work inspired by Fowler’s recent trip to Andromeda Botanic Gardens in Barbados.

The exhibition will be a continued evolution of Fowler’s large-scale paintings, combined with a personal exploration of his Bajan heritage leading back to its African origins through his botanical interest in migratory crops, traditional plants used by African slaves and those still used today by modern day Bajans. Fowler says it is important that the exhibition comes from a place of learning which represents his journey of discovery, referencing a darker colonial history as well as its cultural beauty.

Tim Fowler: The Ground will open to the public from 18 October 2024 – 26 January 2025. All our galleries are free entry and open 7 days a week, weekdays 12pm – 5pm and weekends 12pm – 4pm.

This exhibition is supported using public funding by Arts Council England. We are grateful to the Arts Council for their continued support of Attenborough Arts Centre as a National Portfolio Organisation.

To book your place, visit our website.

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