Environmental Strategy

Attenborough Arts Centre functions within and as a part of the University of Leicester. We recognise that the activities we do inevitably impact on the environment and that we have a responsibility to environmental protection.

We continue to work with the University of Leicester and other partners to reduce our carbon footprint and improve our environmental sustainability. The University is committed to influencing positive change in the world through research and research inspired education.  Environmental Sustainability is one of the Universities 4 guiding principles used to inform decision making. It seeks to achieve continual improvement to how it understands and responds to its environmental impact. This is achieved through Environmental Management Systems and Education.

With the University we have committed to contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as one of the first UK higher education signatories of the SDG Accord in September 2017. To learn more, visit their webpage.

To learn more about our full Environmental Strategy , download our Environmental Plan V4 2022-25 (577KB).
SEND Arts and Education Symposium-63922

Julie's Bicycle 2023-24 Results

As an Arts Council England NPO we report yearly about our energy usage to be accountable for our impact while understanding how we can make crucial changes. In order to be transparent and honest, below are results from our latest data input for 2023-24.

Total Carbon Footprint: 2023-24

AAC Enivornmental Impact Chart
Impact Consumption Carbon
Energy 129 tonnes CO2e
Water & Sewage 1,564 m3 1 tonnes CO2e
Operational Materials & Waste 0 tonnes 1 tonnes CO2e
Business Travel 13,994 km 1 tonnes CO2e
Audience Travel 423 tonnes CO2e
Emissions Total 557 tonnes CO2e

Emissions: 2023-24

AAC Enivornmental Impact Chart 2
Energy Water & Sewage Operational Materials & Waste Business Travel Audience Travel Fleet Travel Total
129 tonnes CO2e 1 tonnes CO2e 1 tonnes CO2e 1 tonnes CO2e 423 tonnes CO2e 0 kg CO2e 557 tonnes CO2e

Emissions Comparison

AAC Enivornmental Impact Chart 3
Year Energy Water & Sewage Operational Materials & Waste Business Travel Audience Travel Fleet Travel Total
2011-12 71 tonnes CO2e 442 kg CO2e 0 kg CO2e 0 kg CO2e 0 kg CO2e 0 kg CO2e 72 tonnes CO2e
2013-14 74 tonnes CO2e 903 kg CO2e 939 kg CO2e 0 kg CO2e 92 tonnes CO2e 0 kg CO2e 167 tonnes CO2e
2014-15 75 tonnes CO2e 477 kg CO2e 0 kg CO2e 341 kg CO2e 118 tonnes CO2e 0 kg CO2e 195 tonnes CO2e
2015-16 52 tonnes CO2e 655 kg CO2e 2 tonnes CO2e 836 kg CO2e 175 tonnes CO2e 25 kg CO2e 230 tonnes CO2e
2017-18 211 tonnes CO2e 1 tonnes CO2e 4 tonnes CO2e 5 tonnes CO2e 113 tonnes CO2e 0 kg CO2e 334 tonnes CO2e
2018-19 57 tonnes CO2e 717 kg CO2e 377 kg CO2e 5 tonnes CO2e 63 tonnes CO2e 0 kg CO2e 126 tonnes CO2e
2023-24 129 tonnes CO2e 1 tonnes CO2e 1 tonnes CO2e 1 tonnes CO2e 423 tonnes CO2e 0 kg CO2e 557 tonnes CO2e
2019-20 78 tonnes CO2e 705 kg CO2e 0 kg CO2e 4 tonnes CO2e 59 tonnes CO2e 0 kg CO2e 142 tonnes CO2e
2021-22 70 tonnes CO2e 168 kg CO2e 0 kg CO2e 190 kg CO2e 79 tonnes CO2e 0 kg CO2e 149 tonnes CO2e
2022-23 74 tonnes CO2e 217 kg CO2e 0 kg CO2e 7 tonnes CO2e 77 tonnes CO2e 0 kg CO2e 158 tonnes CO2e