SENsory Atelier Group Evaluation Framework

Since 2016, the SENsory Atelier programme has developed an innovative model for SEND education by putting arts, creativity and culture at its heart.

The SENsory Atelier Group Observation framework allows an observer to capture narrative information about a small group of young people and to score their engagements against a set of indicators from one of five outcome areas. The tool has proved very useful in helping to capture a young person’s interactions, to give importance to their choices, and to create a rigorous way of assessing their actions, interactions and engagements.


Can I print and use the Group Evaluation Framework to use in my own context?

Yes, the framework is covered by a Creative Commons License, meaning you can print and use the tool as many times as you wish for free. We only ask that you credit us if you share this with anyone. The Creative Commons License also prevents you from sharing the tool if you’ve made any changes to it.

Can I tweak the framework to fit my own context?

Yes, the framework is covered by a Creative Commons License, meaning you can adapt the tool to suit your own needs. The Creative Commons License prevents you from sharing the tool if you have made any changes to it.

How can I find out more about the author of the Framework?

Jo Stockdale of Well Within Reach authored the framework as part of the SENsory Atelier programme. Elements of the framework were created in consultation with Dr.Penny Hay, Debi Keyte-Hartland and Lisa Pittwood as members of the SENsory Atelier steering group, as well as input from partner teachers, artists and learning from the Reggio Children study week in April 2023.

More information about Jo Stockdale and Well Within reach can be found here: