Nan, Me & Barbara Pravi by Hannah Maxwell

7pm - 8:10pm

  • Venue Attenborough Arts Centre
  • Price Pay What You Can, £5 - £20
  • Event type Performance
Book Tickets

Dates and times

  • Book


“I wish I could say here our story starts. But this story starts later, and ended earlier. Is entirely fictional, and completely true. Voila.”
In 2021, Hannah Maxwell moved back to the Home Counties to care for her terminally ill grandfather. But this show isn’t about that. It’s about France’s Eurovision star Barbara Pravi, who’s just lovely.
In between cooking, cleaning and Countdown, Maxwell escapes into an intensifying fantasy of ballroom dances, heartfelt ballads, Parisian cafés, fluent French and definitely-not-creepy plots to engineer a meet cute with a random foreign celebrity. It’s La La Land meets Mission Impossible meets Hannah’s nan.
Combining spoken-word, video and chanson francaise, NAN, ME & BARBARA PRAVI sits you down at the kitchen table to talk through grief and care, addiction and recovery, and hope and coping in unprecedented times.
An award-winning work of storytelling theatre from the acclaimed creator of I, AMDRAM. Commissioned by Camden People’s Theatre and supported by Menagerie Theatre Company, Queen Mary University of London, and Old Diorama Arts Centre. Made possible by generous support from Arts Council England.
Age guidance: 16+
Recommended Price: £10

What are ‘Pay What You Can’ tickets?

We believe that that arts should be accessible for all. For this reason some of our shows and events this year will be ‘Pay What You Can’, meaning that you decide how much you can or want to pay. This expands access to the arts for those who may not have been able to participate otherwise, or gives others the chance to support those who cannot by paying a bit extra.

You will see multiple prices available for each show or event. You can select whichever price you can afford or would like to pay – thank you.

BSL Interpreted.