Earth Day 2024: Make Every Day Earth Day

Earth Day is back for 2024, to share the importance of protecting and valuing our planet through positive environmental and sustainable actions. Working together, we can all make a difference and make our world a safe and happy one for all.
Founded in 1970, Earth Day is an annual event that has been held on April 22 every year since in response to a massive oil spill in California in 1969. The day works towards furthering education around climate action, community action and conservation. The official theme of 2024 is ‘Planet vs. Plastics’ calling for a 60% reduction of plastic production by 2040 through innovative solutions.
As a part of the University of Leicester, we recognise that the activities we do inevitably impact on the environment and that we have a responsibility to environmental protection. We work with the University of Leicester and other partners to reduce our carbon footprint and improve our environmental sustainability, as the University is committed to influencing positive change in the world through research and research inspired education. Environmental Sustainability is one of the Universities 4 guiding principles used to inform decision making as it seeks to achieve continual improvement to how it understands and responds to its environmental impact. You can read more about our Environmental Strategy by visiting our website.
We can all do our part to make this world a better place, so why not explore the Earth Day Networks toolkits for inspiration such as learning about how much disposable plastic we use, exploring reusable eating utensils and joining in local clean-up initiatives. Together we can celebrate Earth Day everyday through our actions.